Welcome to Voice Hub – a community where the voice is explored in relationship with the body and mind as a way to deepen the dialogue with our core self.
My approach aims to balance science and technical work, leveraging the power of vocal communication, creativity, and play. I offer a space for voice-body-mind integration, as well as
musical training in jazz, contemporary, and world music through private tuition, group sessions, and workshops.

My mission
My mission is to help people get out of survival mode and into the realm of being by reclaiming their voice. Practices that integrate voice-body-mind ground us in the present moment and become powerful antidotes to the demands of modern life, to the age of distraction, the rise of anxiety, disconnection and loneliness.
I aim to create opportunities for people to experience signing as a vehicle to lead better, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. I believe that both individual work and collective singing experiences are integral to reconnecting with ourselves and others. This is why Voice Hub offers both.
My passion and ongoing research focus on how the power of singing, breathing, and movement enhance our psychophysiology. I strive to emphasise the importance of addressing our perspective, as well as our thinking, physical, and postural patterns when working with the voice and body. We cannot look at the voice without looking at the whole person.
In the modern world, the notion of singing as a universal human capability gradually diminished, and society began to separate those who could sing from those who could not. I would like to help people overcome inhibitions around singing and reawaken their natural ability to use their voice and body expressively in both speech and singing. Society will benefit greatly if we start normalising singing as part of our everyday lives and natural expression. I believe that singing and movement are powerful ways to meet ourselves and our emotional needs day-to-day.
“My ultimate aim as a performer and teacher is to give way to the voice within to be heard and to our being as a whole to be heard. From this space our innate creativity, our inner child and full potential can be unlocked and re-awakened.”
- Andria Antoniou
Voice Hub students have been highly successful, attending prestigious music schools, colleges and universities such as BRIT School, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, Italia Conti and Royal Northern College of Music, as well as achieving high grades in their ABRSM, LCM and Rockschool singing and piano exams. At Voice Hub singers have been coached as part of their audition preparation for West End musicals such as The Phantom of the opera or their own performances/shows. Most importantly, Voice Hub students and participants from all walks of life and experience have found a safe space and guidance for self-inquiry.